
Success in Your Business Niche

This article is intended for beginners, no advanced knowledge needed to understand this topic so why not give it a try?

When we think about our lives being made up of so many facets, reflecting the light of our circumstances in all of those ricocheting patterns, our ability to discern that which we are doing and the effects of those behaviors and actions on others in our lives becomes diminished in our awareness. When I seem to try to make a distinction between my actions and their motivations, and the discerning part gets difficult, I find that I, like most of us, have been taught the differences between each of us, rather than the similarities.

Yet in business, when we are so focused on competition we tend to forget that we all, at one time or another have the same thought or thoughts. We are all motivated by the same things. Our lives, and by extention our thoughts, are shared by all of us at some moment and time, though at seemingly random and unpredictable occasions. Our lives are different only in the circumstances and their order.

Our needs are differently expressed, as are our wants. What makes us individualistic is how we choose our vocabulary with which to exprss them. And when they might occur in each of the many paths which we are on in our lives. Once we understand this, then business becomes better understood and more succussful. It is not that life is a random series of events and circumstances, it is that each of us have a need, (The same needs sooner or later?) which we want filled at different times. Each of us have a want (The same wants at different times?) which we want filled at different places. So maybe it could be viewed as a numbers game. (Sort of impersonal for me when I think of it that way, but a valid viewpoint none the less)

Just think of how you describe what it is that motivates you in choosing to buy. The words and the emotions, and then think of your neighbor and how they might be motivated when they think of buying the same thing. Or your distant cousin. And the words that they would choose to use to describe their wants and needs; and the motivations they would use to buy those insanely impractical things that would satisfy them in that moment.  What is your Focus? What is your Goal?  Can you state it in one sentence, or is it reflected in a prism of mixed Goals, mixed purposes and definations, too much too quick even at odds and self defeating?

Now, you are be thinking along the lines of the path that will move you successfully on your way to establishing that relationship which makes a prospective customer want to buy that widget they so desparately want advertised down the street, (or down the internet) from YOU!

And this is where a Coach can be useful. A Business or Success Coach can get you out of your head and your subjectivity and into the marketplace’s head and subjectivity. Into their mindsets, into the words and concepts of your prospective customers and what and how they think, into their vocabulary when they are dreaming of that widget. When they are problem solving for that solution to their problem.

And after their purchase from you, walk away from the transaction feeling good about their purchase, about you, and interacting with that someone who related to them and who in their minds feel best about returning to again!

Remeber this from today’s quote:”What you are will show in what you do.” Thomas A. Edison

In conclusion, I hope the ideas, issues and information I have brought forward help you in the future.  If an idea popped into your mind and brought up a question, please email me, I promise to get right back to you, no auto responders.

Michael Fielder

If you would like to contact me please use this form:




Business Startups Begin with Self


 The Investigation of Things:

The Ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom first ordered well their own states.

Wishing to order their own states, they first regulated their own families.

Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.

Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts.

 Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.

 Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge.

 Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.


 Passage from The Great Learning


“the investigation and experiencing of things….”

Eight years into the next thousand years and what is the difference?? Born in the 50’s, raised through the 60’s, surviving the 70’s, suffering the 80’s, intrigued in the greed of the 90’s. and flummoxed during the “10”s”, how do we look at the world now? The reality of the reality shows, opiate and benzo addictions, self help books preaching the sins of sadness and the grail of happiness are we the Prozac people? Money and shopping meeting the addictions of some, the Internet others, sex some, and therapists are making more and more reasons for excusing each of us from the personal responsibility of experiencing the days as boring, disenchanting or just plain empty, of experiencing something other than ego based intellectual learning, instead of experiential based knowledge.

The difference being, the former allows as many explanations, reasons, justifications in opinion making with no personal knowledge, feelings, emotions or empathy – no ability to have a shared perspective of the events in our lives, fueling our ego’s perspective that it is the one true God. Or that it and only it knows the one true God. Mine is more better, more powerful, more true, more and yours isn’t. Not to mention “my” opinion being all those things as well. Yes, this supports particular rules in society, let’s don’t kill (except where we are justified) let’s don’t rape (except when I really need to prove a point or control someone or release a stress)…

While the latter is where we learn to be successful. We experience those things that work or that don’t work.

Albert Einstein said as it just as well: “Without experience, there is no knowledge.”

Society, whether capitalism, politics or religion is failing so many. After all, the devil made me do it, it wasn’t my fault. The angels told me to sacrifice my child, I didn’t want to. If your not rich enough it is because you are failing God, and he is getting you for it. Or because you voted Democrat, or because of government regulation in the marketplace.

Argue all you want but please give it some decent thought based on your personal experiential knowledge, not on what your minister, pastor, senator, CEO or rabbi has read and been taught by others, or what you read in some religious or political or economical based thought system, Christian, Marxism, Keynesian or otherwise. Get out there and try what you think. then you can talk about it with knowledge and strength. Otherwise, you really can’t know can you?

Read about your child dying on the floor of some drug overdose, or be there when your child breathes his last breath. Read about how to make a million dollars overnight or buy the program and win or lose. (Unless your winning the lottery we can pretty much guess this one. But, the idea is still true. You can’t know what that means unless you’ve won.) You can live it or you can read it. The human experience is that. And that which you learn from experience you know. Your mother told you don’t touch the fire on the stove it is hot… So what did you learn? Stick your finger in the flame. Did you come to know?

And so situational ethics and decision making insinuates itself into our ego’s thought processes. We are hardwired to be little authoritarians. And that aspect of us (our ego) does build great authorities…. but which is the true authority, where is he? And what does he know? Those who can’t do teach…


The human and that which comes before and after our human experience is separated by a dimension which cannot be known by the other, at least not from earth to there… It just might not be that it isn’t our little answers to our “universe” of questions, it might be that for us there isn’t a question to fit. And ethics is something you learn through trial by fire. It must come from the gut, from the inner soul, the unconscious. Otherwise ethics can be made to fit the day that your having and all of us argue with the Greed guy every now and then. He’s just too darn good looking after all.

Westerners, Easterners, and indigenous peoples unspoiled by civilization” (not all of these for there are intellectual ego controlled folks here to, hey Abraham?) who have experienced a power other than their ego’s, what some would call “spiritual” a direct experience of what some call supernatural power know the difference between power and strength. And somewhere about here, religion and self and business choices become one.

Heretical, Gnossos.


And spend it BROKE.

Or he maybe will let you in heaven…… with 72 virgins and a bag of gold.

Don’t be confused by what professors and our political leaders and our religous leaders refer to as “authentic historical tradition” which is a bit of an oxymoron, like Military Intelligence. Institutions and bureaucracy must by definition be self perpetuating. And what is this self perpetuating tool? “authentic historical tradition”…. History is what gets written and accepted by those in a position of power or acceptance to proselytize that version. After a while it is “tradition” and then it becomes “authentic”….

So, like the ad says, just do it. Just go out and give it your best shot. And when you come across those times (and you will) that you don’t know an answer then hire someone who does. Who has learned by being burnt or by being right. If you need a mentor, a coach, hire one if necessary but hire one who has been there, done it. How do you tell? You will stop being burnt so bad by the flame in the learning and doing and you will have that satisfied glow of the experience of being right when you finally, after a long hard day, lay your head on the pillow and think of that last check you received.

A Life or Business Coach is not there to profess his opinions belief systems or values on your ideas. A Coach will use experience to draw from you, that which you may have forgotten or devalued within yourself, develop it, a plan and keep you on track with the tools and contacts to take you to the finish line. To YOUR SUCCESS.

Michael Fielder


The Responsibility We have Grown to Lack

Life and Business Begins with Self

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The Investigation of Things:

The Ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom first ordered well their own states.

Wishing to order their own states, they first regulated their own families.

Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.

Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts.

 Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.

 Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge.

 Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.



Passage from The Great Learning



“the investigation and experiencing of things….”

Eight years into the next thousand years and what is the difference?? Born in the 50’s, raised through the 60’s, surviving the 70’s, suffering the 80’s, intrigued in the greed of the 90’s. and flummoxed during the “10”s”, how do we look at the world now? The reality of the reality shows, opiate and benzo addictions, self help books preaching the sins of sadness and the grail of happiness are we the Prozac people? Money and shopping meeting the addictions of some, the Internet others, sex some, and therapists are making more and more reasons for excusing each of us from the personal responsibility of experiencing the days as boring, disenchanting or just plain empty, of experiencing something other than ego based intellectual learning, instead of experiential based knowledge.

The difference being, the former allows as many explanations, reasons, justifications in opinion making with no personal knowledge, feelings, emotions or empathy – no ability to have a shared perspective of the events in our lives, fueling our ego’s perspective that it is the one true God. Or that it and only it knows the one true God. Mine is more better, more powerful, more true, more and yours isn’t. Not to mention “my” opinion being all those things as well. Yes, this supports particular rules in society, let’s don’t kill (except where we are justified) let’s don’t rape (except when I really need to prove a point or control someone or release a stress)…

While the latter is where we learn to be successful. We experience those things that work or that don’t work.

Albert Einstein said as it just as well: “Without experience, there is no knowledge.”

Society, whether capitalism, politics or religion is failing so many. After all, the devil made me do it, it wasn’t my fault. The angels told me to sacrifice my child, I didn’t want to. If your not rich enough it is because you are failing God, and he is getting you for it. Or because you voted Democrat, or because of government regulation in the marketplace.

Argue all you want but please give it some decent thought based on your personal experiential knowledge, not on what your minister, pastor, senator, CEO or rabbi has read and been taught by others, or what you read in some religious or political or economical based thought system, Christian, Marxism, Keynesian or otherwise. Get out there and try what you think. then you can talk about it with knowledge and strength. Otherwise, you really can’t know can you?

Read about your child dying on the floor of some drug overdose, or be there when your child breathes his last breath. Read about how to make a million dollars overnight or buy the program and win or lose. (Unless your winning the lottery we can pretty much guess this one. But, the idea is still true. You can’t know what that means unless you’ve won.) You can live it or you can read it. The human experience is that. And that which you learn from experience you know. Your mother told you don’t touch the fire on the stove it is hot… So what did you learn? Stick your finger in the flame. Did you come to know?

And so situational ethics and decision making insinuates itself into our ego’s thought processes. We are hardwired to be little authoritarians. And that aspect of us (our ego) does build great authorities…. but which is the true authority, where is he? And what does he know? Those who can’t do teach…

The human experience and that which comes before and after our human experience is separated by a dimension which cannot be known by the other, at least not from earth to there… It just might not be that it isn’t our little answers to our “universe” of questions, it might be that for us there isn’t a question to fit. And ethics is something you learn through trial by fire. It must come from the gut, from the inner soul, the unconscious. Otherwise ethics can be made to fit the day that your having and all of us argue with the Greed guy every now and then. He’s just too darn good looking after all.

Westerners, Easterners, and indigenous peoples unspoiled by civilization” (not all of these for there are intellectual ego controlled folks here to, hey Abraham?) who have experienced a power other than their ego’s, what some would call “spiritual” a direct experience of what some call supernatural power know the difference between power and strength. And somewhere about here, religion and self and business choices become one.

Heretical, Gnossos.


And spend it BROKE.

Or he maybe will let you in heaven…… with 72 virgins and a bag of gold.

Don’t be confused by what professors and our political leaders and our religous leaders refer to as “authentic historical tradition” which is a bit of an oxymoron, like Military Intelligence. Institutions and bureaucracy must by definition be self perpetuating. And what is this self perpetuating tool? “authentic historical tradition”…. History is what gets written and accepted by those in a position of power or acceptance to proselytize that version. After a while it is “tradition” and then it becomes “authentic”….

So, like the ad says, just do it. Just go out and give it your best shot. And when you come across those times (and you will) that you don’t know an answer then hire someone who does. Who has learned by being burnt or by being right. If you need a mentor, a coach, hire one if necessary but hire one who has been there, done it. How do you tell? You will stop being burnt so bad by the flame in the learning and doing and you will have that satisfied glow of the experience of being right when you finally, after a long hard day, lay your head on the pillow and think of that last check you received.

A Personal or Business Coach is not there to profess his opinions belief systems or values on your ideas. A Coach will use experience to draw from you, that which you may have forgotten or devalued within yourself, develop it, help you make a plan and keep you on track with the tools and contacts to take you to the finish line. To YOUR SUCCESS.

Michael Fielder

If you would like to contact me please use this form:

May 2024